Data description [Dataset B] Initial Cs-137 deposition data in eastern part of Japan following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. [File name] 1. CSV file format cs137b_point.csv 2. ESRI shape file format cs137b_point.cpg cs137b_point.dbf cs137b_point.prj cs137b_point.sbn cs137b_point.sbx cs137b_point.shp cs137b_point.shp.xml cs137b_point.shx [Data area coverage] Eastern part of Japan (Fukushima, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, Tokyo, Saitama, and Kanagawa prefectures) [Datasource] 1. The fifth airborne monitoring survey data (Fukushima, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma prefecture areas, partial area in north part of Chiba Prefecture) *Reduction of radioactivity due to natural weathering processes and radioactive decay were corrected (see the reference material for detail). 2. The prefecture airborne monitoring survey data (South Kanto region including Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, and Kanagawa prefecture areas, and snow-covered area during the fifth airborne monitoring survey) *Reduction of radioactivity due to radioactive decay were corrected (see the reference material for detail). [Data contents] Cesium-137 deposition density data at the original data points of the airborne monitoring surveys (approximately 250m interval) 1. CSV file format >"OBJECTID" object identification code >"MESH" Mesh identification code >"Latitude" WGS1984, in decimal degree >"Longitude" WGS1984, in decimal degree >"Reference" reference date for Cs-137 inventory (yyyy/mm/dd) >"cs137_inve" deposition density of Cs-137 (Bq/m^2) >"landuse_co" landuse classification code by the National Land Numerical Information (MLIT, 2017). 10=paddy field, 20=other farmland, 50=forest, 60=Wasteland, 70=buildings, 91=road, 92=railway, 100=other, 110=river and lake, 140=beach, 160=Golf, 0=unclassified >"Source" datasource: 5th=the fifth airborne monitoring survey data, Pref or Pref_2=the prefecture airborne monitoring survey data 2. ESRI shape file format >"FID" >"Shape *" data type >"OBJECTID" object identification code >"MESH" Mesh identification code >"Latitude" WGS1984, in decimal degree >"Longitude" WGS1984, in decimal degree >"Reference" reference date for Cs-137 inventory (yyyy/mm/dd) >"cs137_inve" deposition density of Cs-137 (Bq/m^2) >"landuse_co" landuse classification code by the National Land Numerical Information (MLIT, 2017; 10=paddy field, 20=other farmland, 50=forest, 60=Wasteland, 70=buildings, 91=road, 92=railway, 100=other, 110=river and lake, 140=beach, 160=Golf, 0=unclassified >"Source" datasource: 5th=the fifth airborne monitoring survey data, Pref or Pref_2=the prefecture airborne monitoring survey data [Reference material] Kato, H., Onda, Y., Gao, X., Sanada, Y., Saito, K. (2018) Reconstruction of a Fukushima accident-derived radiocesium fallout map for environmental transfer studies. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Submitted.